Ack! No! No, no, no! Ok, legit. Legit work from home jobs. Ready, go!My name is Amanda Bentow and today I’m gonna help you decide, how to decide, if you should decide to change jobs.
Over half of Americans are not happy at work and this trend is not getting any better. So if you’re one of them, then I have some specific questions that you can ask yourself to decide if it’s time to write your “dear boss, I quit” letter.Number one: do you like what you’re doing? And assuming not, then why don’t you like it? Is it the people? Is it the work you’re doing? Is there a misalignment between the values of your organization and your own personal values? Because that’s a problem.
Number two: what is the risk in leaving? And there are probably all kinds of fears here so write down the risks and your fears.
Some of our fears are really rational and legit so walk toward those and really think about that fear. Is there a real concern there and is it something you’re willing to risk or is it something that if you really dive into it and think about it, your worst case scenario is that you’re dreading so much maybe isn’t all that realistic. And maybe you can even let go of that fear.
Number three: what is the risk of staying? What’s the risk not making the change? Sometimes we stay where we are because it feels more secure, but is it really? Do you really have any more stability in your current job? Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t.
Some people feel like there is a piece of them dies every day that they spend more time in their current job. And if that’s you please don’t ignore that. That’s a huge red flag and something you need to pay attention to. Maybe your fears and other things are holding you there but you can make a plan to make a change.
I’m obsessed with helping people with their best life and that means loving your job, your career, whatever it is that you do every day.
If you’re working full time you spend more time there than you do with your family. So it’s important that you love whatever you do. And especially if you’re someone who doesn’t, and you feel like a piece of you is being eaten away at every time you step into your job, please subscribe at because I need you to make sure that you get my next video. That’s where we are going to discover what you truly love to do. It will give you energy, and you don’t want to miss it.
No, no, no! A monkey can do this.