John Maxwell said, “if you never figure out what you want to do, you’ll probably be frustrated all of your life.”
My name is Amanda Bentow and today we’re going to get really clear about what it is that you want to do.
Look don’t be a job hopper just to change circumstances. If you’re going to change from one job to get into something else, let’s make sure that you’re doing it with intentionality. Don’t leave your job just because you hate your boss. If you hate your boss and you need to make a change, then fine!
Are you looking for the same J.O.B.? Or are you trying to align your job, your career, with your passion and purpose for life?
I know that’s a big question so let’s break it down. What do you want to do? No, like really. What do you want to do you? Not just what job or what career but what activities? What do you want to contribute to the world? What do you enjoy? What gives you energy and purpose?
And if you don’t you know, then you, my friend, are just like me and you need to stop and smell the roses. Look around you, and find all of the things that give you joy…that make you feel happy.
There is a lot of life going on around you and if you are so busy hopping from one thing to the next that you’re not able to stop and enjoy this life right here, then that’s a problem. You’re missing out and the joy and the fulfillment.
Start to pursue your passion. And don’t worry yet about how you’re going to earn an income from that. Just pursue your passion and try new things. Now, I’m not just anyone on a mission to discover new fun things. I mean, that’s cool too and we all need fun in our lives, but life is hard. Work is hard. And no one is good at something the first time they do it. So in order for you to get good at it, it means you have to do it over and over again. It means you have to fail. You have to mess up, figure it out, and then keep going.
So if you’re going to be good at something, if you’re going to be so good that you’re willing to call it your life’s passion – your life’s purpose – and you want to work daily for it, and you want to earn an income from it, and pull meaning and value, then you need to love what you’re doing. You need to love it so much that you’re willing to put up with other crazy people and difficult decisions and a lot of hardships in order to make it work.
And if you’ve found something that gives you the energy and endurance to get through all of that, even if you’re not yet good at it, pursue that with all the energy that you can muster.
God has a purpose for us and he whispers it quietly into our hearts. He gives us passion and desire for the things that he wants for us. He also equips us. So know that you are enough.
So find quiet time to listen to your heart and pursue you are most passionate about.
Ohh! Hey look! There’s my soapbox.