Quarter Life Crisis Symptoms:
Whoa! Have you ever considered #QuarterLifeCrisis? Well, we are going to talk about it. So stay tuned.
At some point, we realize that the adult life that we’ve dreamt about just isn’t manifesting itself from thin air. So if you’ve considered self-diagnosing with quarter life crisis, then this top 10 list will really help you out. But make sure you stay till the end because I had some good news for you too.
Quarter Life Crisis Symptoms
So here are the tops 10 symptoms that might indicate that you are in a quarter life crisis.
Number 10: you frequently look at your pets and realize how amazing their life is. Maybe you even feel little jealous?
Number nine: you wonder how the adult-ier adults have survived for this long if this is as good as it gets.
Number eight: The thought of doing your bosses job 15 years from now makes you want to throw up in your mouth a little.
Number seven: you wonder if student loans actually take an entire lifetime to pay off or if you gain traction at some point.
Number six: you do that thing. You know, that thing you swore you’d never do.
Number five: church. You’ve now learned that it is simultaneously possible to both crave and repel something.
Number four: you avoid homecomings and reunions like the plague because you don’t want to answer who what when where why.
Number three: you use hashtags like #AdultingIsHard and #IMissCollege
Number two: you’ve sworn many times that you’ll just leave Facebook if you see one more life event.
And the number one indicator that you may be experiencing a quarterly crisis… You forecasted life for the next 10 years with every set of circumstances you can possibly imagine and still… There are no answers.
If this resonates, you might be experiencing a quarter life crisis. But have no fear, there is help so let’s talk about what it is.
Quarter Life Crisis Defined
The standard definition of a quarterly crisis, as defined by me, is: “The period of life where one begins to collapse under the crushing realization that Adulting is Hard. It typically happens between the ages of 25 and 35. The patient is plagued by doubts, uncertainty, comparisons up the wazoo, and fear. Yes. A lot of fear. Those especially susceptible to a quarter life crisis include big dreamers and those who believe they can accomplish anything. Often times they’ve had parents or mentors who have said nice things to them.”
So the good news, is if you are experiencing a quarter life crisis, it means you are a big dreamer. You have been chosen to do big things and have a big impact on this world. So I inhale, exhale, and have no fear. This is all treatable and will get through it together.
Now in my next video I will share with you some specific things you can do during a quarter life crisis. But for now, be thankful. You were created for something big. We’ll get into those big plans and exactly what you can do to survive your quarterly crisis in the next video so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out.
Look, my job is to help you live your most amazing life and one of the first things you can do is to take care of you. So go to free5day.com so you can get a great jumpstart on taking care of you so you have energy and clarity to live your most amazing life. Go to free5day.com.