Alright sit up tall, look confident and feel confident. Today we are talking about part two of the ten ways to build your confidence.
Last week I gave you five tips on how to build more confidence and today we’re hitting numbers six through ten.
Number six: Amp up your discipline.
When you’re about to take on a new project, does it feel like you standing at the bottom of a mountain staring up at the peak, wondering how in the world you’re ever gonna get there? You can either stand at the bottom, stare at the top and agonize how far you have to go until you get there, or you can just start climbing. If you just take a few small steps each day eventually you’ll climb that beast. So break your big projects into small chunks and then celebrate those small little accomplishments. Even though they feel like almost insignificant little things to you, take the time to celebrate it and do it with consistency.
Number seven: Throw yourself a party.
When you make a good choice, there are two ways you can respond. Number one: “OMG it’s about time I finally did that! Why does it take me so long? Why do I wait so long to do things like this? I just don’t get it. If I would have started so much longer ago I could’ve been way farther ahead. I could probably be even farther ahead than she is right now!” Or you can say something like this, “I’m really glad I just did that, I’m not as far along as I want to be, but I’m farther ahead than I was yesterday and I’m getting closer to my goal, I’m really proud of myself.”
You have to be your own coach. You can have the best coach in the world but you are the one who’s inside your head all day long. If you continue to send yourself negatives messages and beat yourself up, then that’s what you’ll get. So be a good coach to yourself.
Number eight: Live hope-filled.
Do you know what people need more than anything to keep going? Hope! They need hope in a beautiful, bright future. If you don’t have that, if you don’t have a vision for where you’re headed, then there’s really not a lot of purpose to each day. So give yourself a retreat day and dream about what life could look like. When you know where you’re going, then you can make decisions every day that start to align with your future. Not with your past, not with your present, but with where you want to be.
Number nine: Give yourself a power phrase.
It can be a single word or a short little phrase. Describe yourself with your power phrase and repeat it daily. And when the negative voices start screaming in your head, pull out that power phrase and combat those negative voices with your power phrase.
Number Ten: Accept your role.
We all have a part to play in this universe and you will never play someone else’s part and no one will ever play you. If you don’t show up to the party then this world is missing out on the role that you’re supposed to play. So your job is to be the best version of you. Claim your role as your own and refuse to tolerate anything less.
If you allow other people to annoy you then you’ll constantly be annoyed. If you allow yourself to continue working eighty hours a week, then you’ll constantly be busy and frazzled, if you allow yourself to feel stuck then you’ll continue to be stuck. You have to make the decision to move out of that place and decide what you’ll accept and what you won’t. And don’t get me wrong, I’m very clear on the fact that I’m not in the driver’s seat of my life. I’ve given full control over and over again to our all-knowing, always with us, loving God. I’m living under his authority, but I still have to decide whether or not I’m going to listen to him, whether or not I’m going to take action, and you do too. Decide that you are ready for some area of your life to look a little different; a little better. No matter your circumstances, no matter your beliefs , no matter the negatives voices in your head, you can do this; you can live your vision!
Whoa! That one got deep! Are you still with me?