Life throws HUGE decisions our way and we are often confused about how to decide. Today, I’ll help you boost your decision making process so you feel more peace and confidence about this big life decisions.
Video: Don’t Regret Another Decision! Boost Your Decision Making Process
Boost Your Decision Making Process – How to Make Decisions with Confidence
Are you gonna go to school? What are you going to go to school for? What Are you going to do when you’re done with school? Are you going to get married? are you going to stay with him? Are you going to take that job? are you going to have babies? when do you think you’ll have babies? are you going to keep working if you have babies?
Amanda Bentow here and in this video I’m going to help you lay out a decision making process so you can answer in life’s biggest questions with confidence and clarity so stay tuned.
Life throws us a lot of big questions at us and sometimes they’re really hard. Make a decision too soon and you risk making a really bad choice, but sit on it for too long and you might miss your opportunity.
I wish I could tell you that it’s as simple as draw a line down the center of your paper and write pro on one side and con on the other. But we all live in the real world and we know that life is so much more complicated than that. So let me give you three factors that will help you in your decision-making process.
Involve Trusted People
Number one, get other people up in your business. Look, if you were running a major corporation you would have lots of people involved in the major decisions so the same needs to happen in your personal life. So only choose the people you trust. The people who are going to give you their honest opinion. They’ll tell you that your butt really does look big in those jeans. Talk to those people but just hold their opinion in your hands. Don’t make it part of who you are just hold it loosely in your hand so that you can look at it. You can walk around all sides of their opinion and decide whether or not you want to take their advice.
Harness the Power of Your Brain
Number two: give yourself time and space to daydream. I know that sounds crazy, and it’s so hard to do when you were in stress zone. But it’s so important. Because all of those decisions that we make all day long, even the little tiny ones, they deplete our storage of glucose in the brain and do you know how we rebuild glucose? By daydreaming! Well, and also by eating sugar but don’t make that your standard diet. That’s not gonna help.
So if you want to harness the power of your brain and help it work better for you, then give yourself space in your day for quiet time to daydream and let your brain just do it’s thing.
Isolate the Unknown
And number three: isolate the unknown. What in the world does that mean? When we are deciding between a couple of different options, our brain uses a couple of different modes. One is a evaluation. We know the facts.
If I take job A, I make this much money. If I take job B I make this much money. Those are great things that fit into a pro and con list. But our brain also uses another side which is our imagination. When we don’t know the answer, when we don’t know what something is going to look like, our brain has to fill-in the story. It has to fill-in the blanks and that’s where it uses imagination. Your brain is happy to fill in the blanks and make up its own story.
Think about a vacation you’ve planned. You can choose to different destinations. This one, you don’t know what it looks like because you’ve never been there. And this one, you don’t know what it looks like because you’ve never been there. But using what you do know about those two options, your brain fills in the blanks. And it even gets rewarded with a little dopamine rush to make you feel so happy when you fill in the blanks.
Now the same is true about those big life decisions. Your brain will come up with the story about what it’s going to be like to take that job or what it would be like to live in that state or to be a stay-at-home mom. But the reality is that you don’t yet know. So isolate those unknown. Then you can use other information- do your research, talk to other people, and find out as much information as you can about what it will be like. Then you’re making your decision based on the factors that you do know and you’re aware of the unknowns.
Look we don’t always know everything about the most important and biggest decisions of our lives. And that’s why we have to make the best decision possible with the best information that we have available at that time. And when you’ve done those three things, you’ve got other people in on the conversation, you’ve allowed your brain to maximize its power, and you’ve isolated your unknowns and made the best decision possible with the information you have available, then you my friend, can be confident that you are making the best decision possible for where you are right now. You won’t regret your decisions because you’re moving forward in a really thoughtful way.
Look, my job is to help you live your most amazing life, and I can only do that when you take care of you! That’s why I’ve put together a free five day jumpstart. You’ll log into your own membership account with video coaching every day plus I’ll tell you exactly what to eat for five days so we get more pep in your step and get that scale up for sale.
That was pretty clever.
So go to right now. That’s a decision you won’t regret.