A: We all love a great success story right? So today I’m telling you about my friend who is a once stressed out mom turned profitable business mom who is committed to living life on her terms.
So I’ll share her story and tell you how she got out of her rut and filled up her cup.
Over the last several weeks we’ve been talking about how to define what it is that you really want to do, so today I’m sharing with you a very special story about a friend of mine who did exactly that, so meet my friend Jess!
J: Hi!
A: So I want people to hear your story ‘cause I know they’re gonna love it and they’re gonna be inspired by it. You ready for it?
J: I’m ready. Let’s do it!
A: The first time I met Jess it was clear that she is the most friendly, bubbly, welcoming person I had ever met so here’s a little more about her.
J: I had big plans for life including working full time, having a business on the side, traveling, maybe writing a book someday and then… Harper happened and everything changed. Now my biggest want is to be at home. We worked everything out so I can be at home with my kids.
A: Sounds so easy right? But as we got to know each other I realized that Jess had a problem.
J: So shortly after this stay at home mom thing started, I realized I was having crazy anxiety about things I had never dealt with before. I felt like I wasn’t contributing to the family, like my purpose was to change diapers and sweep the floor. I knew I was made for more, but I just… I wasn’t willing to give up staying at home with my kids just to fix the anxieties, I also really started to panic about what was I gonna do when my kids are all in school. I had convinced myself that by then nobody will want to hire me. The world changes so fast, I’ll be outdated, then what’s my purpose?
A: Jess joined my Best Life Academy and she had some really great ah-ha moments
J: I started thinking… huh I don’t have to go back to that 8 to 5 grind? I can… have non-negotiables, build a business for myself maybe. My non-negotiables were to be at home with my kids all the time, to not be a slave to my business or a business and a non-negotiable I didn’t even know I had was to work for myself.
A: Like a lot of moms, Jess had tons of ideas about things that she could do and that she wanted to do. She just needed clarity about her vision and a little bit of info about how to get started.
J: I could sell jewelry, teach people how to organize their lives, keep working as a part time teacher. So we explored all of these options. Even though it didn’t seem like there was a clear answer, we didn’t compromise, and then the vision finally became clear.
A: And that was the day that Lifesong Family Music was born.
J: Lifesong Family Music is a place that helps families to develop a lifelong love of music in order to create healthy and happy families. I wanna help equip families and parents with the knowledge of all the benefits that come with early music learning.
A: So she started her business like the next day! And then I would see post on Facebook like…
J: My cup is so full! I can’t believe I get to wake up and do this every single day.
A: and then one day I got a message from Jess and she was like…
J: Hey guess what? Remember those classes I was worried about? They’re full! My business is officially profitable.
A: but then I wondered if that was too good to be true? I mean is she really that happy? ‘Cause isn’t it kind of scary and difficult to start a new business?
J: Aaaah! I don’t know what I’m doing! There are so many more qualified people out there than me! I’m about to have a baby! I am NOT ready for all this.
A: One of the things that I love about Jess is that she doesn’t overthink it; she’s just going for it. I mean, she could sit back and overthink and be so worried about how it’s just now the right time ‘cause she’s pregnant and going to have a baby soon or because she needs to do more research or she needs to have a bigger, better business plan
J: Lalalalala
A: Don’t get me wrong, she’s not a hot mess of irresponsibility, she has a plan and it’s a good one, she’s just not allowing the what-ifs and the scary monsters and that negative self-talk to get in her way.
J: You are good at this! You are a great Mom! And you are showing your kids that they can do anything that they put their mind to. You were made for more! Don’t give up when you fail because you’re building a future.
A: Jess told me that if there’s anything she wants women to know is that …
J: You CAN do this! And it doesn’t have to impact whatever your non-negotiables are.
A: Cool story right? Well if you wanna learn more about Jess and her business you can go to…
J: …Well we are still working on that part.
A: Isn’t that beautiful? I mean she already has a profitable business but she hasn’t gotten herself all tangled up on websites and social media and all of that stuff, I mean those things are all important but they have to happen in the right order.
So we’re working on all of those things and I will update my blog posts with more information as soon as that is available so you can find out how to contact Jess and participate in Lifesong Family Music classes.
You can also go to www.AmandaBentow.com to sign up for your FREE Clarity Consult. We’ll talk about your future and how you can get started today.
J: I know a great knock-knock joke.
A: Ok, what is it.
J: You start.
A: Knock-knock…