OK, stay calm. We got this!
Your besties are headed in different directions. Your bills are piling high. Your cubicle is sucking the life out of you with every passing moment.
But please listen to these 10 things that you can do during your mid twenties crisis.
If you caught my last video, you may have self diagnosed with a case of quarter life crisis. This mid twenties crisis can last through your 30s, but the more you know about it the faster you can get through to the other side and the stronger you’ll be.
So let’s dive in this list of 10 things that you can do to come out thriving on the other side of your mid twenties crisis.
Number one: stop comparing.
Right now. Stop. Comparison is the thief of joy so just don’t even go there. I’m talking about magazines, TV, Facebook, friends, the person who got the promotion, the person 10 years older than you, just don’t compare yourself to their journey. This is yours and yours alone.
Number two: stop “shoulding” on yourself.
I should read more. I should be on that committee. I should lose weight. I should be happier. I should call my friends more. I teach my clients about this in my life unleashed program. But it’s one of the things that robs us and drains us – our huge expectations about what we should be doing or just not helping so stop shoulding on yourself.
Number three: make a date with you.
Get to know yourself and make a lifelong habit of getting to know how you were wired, what your gifts are, and how you were created uniquely. You’ll be able to apply that to your work and aligne your work, volunteer roles, and everything you do with the gifts that you uniquely have. You can look to things like StrengthsQuest, Myers-Briggs, the DISC assessment, even HowToFascinate.com has a great resource and helps you understand more about how you were wired.
Number four: do some dreaming.
If you’re feeling pinned down by your big expectations and your goals for yourself, then give yourself the freedom to just relax, do some dreaming, and think about what life could really look like. Don’t place any limits on your dreaming and do feel free to create some non-negotiables. Those are the things you must include in your life or that you refuse to have as a part of your life.
Number five: do your research.
Get out your Google machine and start to really do the research on what life would look like if your dream became a reality. Don’t allow the pressure of a big dream to trap you in. Just give yourself the freedom to explore. Make a list of questions and keep exploring.
Number six: find a mentor.
You’re not the first person to go through this and they’re certainly not the last. So seek out someone you trust, whose advice you’re willing to at least hear. You don’t have to agree with everything they say but go in with an open heart. And don’t forget that someday it will be your turn to reach back and help others. In fact, this might be a perfect opportunity to try it. Think about the things you’ve overcome and seek out people who you can help.
Number seven: get a grip on failure.
Failure is an opportunity to learn and there are so many lessons with each unmet expectation or failure. So learn how to fail forward, but don’t ever use failure as a tool for shaming yourself.
Number eight: get to work.
Don’t sit around and wait for life to float you to the promised land. Create an action list from the list of things that you’ve brainstormed and that you’ve been researching. And then each day do just a couple of things from off that list.
Number nine: invest in you.
Physically, emotionally, intellectually. Make time for yourself each day to take care of you. It’s putting on your own oxygen mask first and it’s especially important if you have other people in your life… Kids or other people who are counting on you to show up and be fully present.
Number 10: hit your knees in prayer and thanksgiving.
If you’ve been gifted with talents and a dream in your heart and an ability and desire to do good and serve people, that is a huge gift! That’s a huge blessing that so many people don’t receive. So stop and say thank you. And then find something every day to be thankful for. See, God uses our circumstances to get our attention but what he’s really after is our hearts. So don’t be afraid of him just pursue him.
And with the famous words from Dr. Seuss. “You’ve got brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
As always, there are more videos coming so be sure to get subscribed and go to free5day.com for your healthy jumpstart, yo!
Amanda Bentow
Strategic Lifestyle and Business Coach
Facebook: FB.com/AmandaBentow
Jumpstart for More Energy: http://Free5Day.com
What are some Quarter Life Crisis Symptoms? http://amandabentow.com/quarter-life-crisis-symptoms/