I remember this time in college, when I ran for President of my sorority…
{Think what you will about sororities, but it started my love of leadership. I continue to support my chapter as an alumna because it’s such a great opportunity to impact women at a really important time in their lives. }
When I ran for President, I really wanted to lead and make a difference. In high school, I hadn’t stepped up to lead. I was really quiet and stayed deep inside my shell.
But in college, I committed to turning over a new leaf. Someone encouraged me to run for a leadership position and that was all I needed to get my feet wet. And now I was excited to step it up to President…and to have my own bedroom with my own bathroom!!
But I lost that election.
I was really discouraged. The person who won later became one of my very best friends. But at the time, I was really discouraged and a pretty sore loser.
I’m forever grateful that she was a gracious winner.
The thing that saved me from spiraling into a really negative place…was my stubbornness. I learned that leading my sorority at that time wasn’t right for me…but knew I was meant to lead somewhere.
I went on to hold a presidency in another organization on campus that year and it gave me a broader experience that led to more leadership opportunities.
I revised the strategy, but I didn’t throw in the towel. My encouragment for you is the same.
It’s normal to get discouraged. Everyone does – it’s a good thing – it means you’re engaged, connected, and passionate about something.
What if I had lost but didn’t feel discouraged or disappointed? What a waste that would be!
It’s not the “getting” down, but the “staying” down that kills you…it kills your spirit. So if there’s an area where you’re feeling down or discouraged, revise the strategy but don’t throw in the towel. Don’t Stay Down.
There are better days ahead.