Hi! I’m a really good mom.
Honey, I am filming here. Just go change your diaper. And watch TV too!
There’s a difference between what you’re good at, and what gives you purpose. Let’s take a look at the difference.
I am really good mom, but I have to work really hard to be a good mom. I don’t naturally feel like a mom. You know the Betty Crocker, MacGyver-of-all-craft-projects, sealed-with-a-kiss type of mom? That’s just not me.
I adore my kids and I’ve made some really hard choices to be able to be home with them. But for me, the work of being a mom is really draining. Some people are energized by it. I am not.
I am energized by making these videos so keep watching.
I’m energized by helping people live their best life. That’s what gives me pure joy and an unstoppable energy to keep going, even when other people or the evidence say that I should quit.
This is something that we get messed up from the time that we’re kids. People tell us that were good at something so suddenly we feel like we just need to keep doing more of that. We look for the things that we’re good at in order to find out what we should do. But what if we’re just not yet good at the things that we were created to do? What if we’re ignoring that passion in our hearts, the fire that burns in our belly because we don’t yet know how to do it? Or because were just not yet good at it?
So stop looking only at the things that you’re good at to figure out what you should do. We all have natural gifts and abilities, and I’m gonna talk about that in another video, but for now, just focus on your passion. And pursue that.
And make sure you don’t miss out on the other videos by clicking on the link somewhere around this video. Or go to www.unleashedforlife.com to join The Life Lounge. I’ll send videos just like this one to you. Trust me, there’s a tsunami of information that’s just dying to get out and get on video for you. So stick with me!
Oh shoot! Lunch is burning!