My purpose is around here somewhere…I just…hmmm, let me think.
Oh! There’s my purpose!
My name is Amanda Bentow and today I’m going to tell you how to find your purpose so that you can put that whole question aside and move forward with intentionality, finding your purpose along the way.
But first, you have to just stop looking for your purpose! You’re not going to find it in the couch cushions. You’re not going to find it in a google search and the harder you look for it, the harder it will be to find. Your purpose is something that will be revealed to you when the time is right. And probably, that will happen when you’re not actually even looking for it.
So instead of searching all over for your purpose, get really clear about what it is that you want to contribute to the world.
Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself. So grab a pen and a piece of paper.
Number 1: How can I serve the people around me?
Number 2: What am I actually good at?
You can also ask yourself, what direction do I want to go?
And how do I want to feel?
And what’s the furthest I can imagine going with my life?
And on that note, remember that “to whom much is given; much is expected.” [Luke 12:48]
So if your dreams are big, then be prepared to give a lot of yourself.
Those questions that we went over will give you clarity about what you want to contribute to the world. Then stop thinking about and worrying about what your purpose is. Just start taking action. Start serving in different areas and while you do that, look for the opportunities that feel natural to you. Look for the opportunities that fill your cup and make you feel fulfilled. It might mean:
helping someone with homework
volunteering for a non-profit
serving a friend in an area where you’re gifted
encouraging your friends and building others up
creating something
giving other people advice in an area that you already have figured out.
Then when you start serving the world with the gifts that you’ve been given, take notes about how that makes you feel. Does it align with the answers to the questions that we already asked?
There isn’t a one-shot moment where the bus of our life’s purpose drives by and if we’re sleeping in that day and we miss the bus we’ve missed our entire life’s purpose. That’s not how it works. We have opportunities all of the time to start moving toward the area that is most purpose-filled, most passionate for us. So be intentional and move toward the things that fill you up and give you life.
So be intentional, be aware, and you will be moving toward all of those things that give you life, direction, and purpose.
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Oh! And if you have a friend who’s still digging through couch cushions, looking for their life’s purpose, would you forward this video on to them? Thanks!
Oh! And one more thing… Have a good day!